
Textbook Update

Administrative Law: Bureaucracy in a Democracy (4th Edition)Finally made it back by the JMU bookstore to look for my book.

They had 3 copies sitting on the shelf.

Looks like fun, doesn't it?

I'm less upset with the bookstore now, although still kind of displeased with the specific customer service issues I experienced when trying to find out about the book.

But I have good news!  It turns out that I get a discount on textbooks because I'm an employee.  Fifteen Percent!!!

I wish I had been using that all along.  Actually I know that I had tried, at some point, to get the discount before and not been successful, so I stopped trying.  (Maybe the rules change from time to time.)

Here's how it went down:

I walk up to the counter.  The cashier asks how I am.  I say "I'm pretty awesome, how are you?"  She says something not nearly as cool as "I'm pretty awesome" then asks me if I'm a JMU employee.  (Apparently I look old now.)  I say yes, and she said that I might get a discount.  I grumbled something like "I don't think it counts on textbooks." and she said why not try anyway, so I gave her my JAC Card and there goes a discount.

I know that the discount hasn't always applied, I tried at least twice.  But I really do wish I had tried every time.  Who knows how much I could have saved?

1 comment:

  1. I had this sitting in draft mode for over a week before I published it.
